Motivated by the people behind the numbers
We love data—collecting it, analyzing it, and helping our partners make sense of it. But we’re motivated to do that because of the real people behind the challenges we investigate.
The Center was established in 1987 as a unit within the Institute for State and Regional Affairs, which has been conducting social, economic, political, and environmental research for more than 50 years. As the Institute’s reputation grew, clients in state government and at the university started clamoring for additional services: they needed the kind of data and information that could be gleaned through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The Center for Survey Research was born.
Our researchers and data scientists have decades of experience developing survey, interview, and discussion protocols. Team members have received training in data collection and analysis techniques from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, the nation’s oldest and largest program offering graduate training in the principles and practices of survey research.
We love data—collecting it, analyzing it, and helping our partners make sense of it. But we’re motivated to do that because of the real people behind the challenges we investigate.